up:: Obsidian Plugins
tags:: #obsidian #plugin #query
Obsidian Plugin - DataView
- GitHub:: https://github.com/blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview
- Documentation:: https://blacksmithgu.github.io/obsidian-dataview/
- Obsidian URL:: https://obsidian.md/plugins?id=dataview
- Obsidian URI:: obsidian://show-plugin?id=dataview
- Settings:: obsidian://advanced-uri?settingid=dataview
Treat your Obsidian Vault as a database which you can query from. Provides a JavaScript API and pipeline-based query language for filtering, sorting, and extracting data from Markdown pages. See the Examples section below for some quick examples, or the full reference for all the details.
I configured inline query prefix to be "==", instead of default "="
- Get file modified date: 2023-10-04T00:00:00.000+03:00
- Get file modified time: 2023-10-04T00:04:06.456+03:00
- Get list of commands sorted by assigned hotkey:
const getNestedObject = (nestedObj, pathArr) => { return pathArr.reduce((obj, key) => (obj && obj[key] !== 'undefined') ? obj[key] : undefined, nestedObj); } function hilite(keys, how) { // need to check if existing key combo is overridden by undefining it if (keys && keys[1][0] !== undefined) { return how + keys.flat(2).join('+').replace('Mod', 'Ctrl') + how; } else { return how + '–' + how; } } function getHotkey(arr, highlight=true) { let hi = highlight ? '**' : ''; let defkeys = arr.hotkeys ? [[getNestedObject(arr.hotkeys, [0, 'modifiers'])], [getNestedObject(arr.hotkeys, [0, 'key'])]] : undefined; let ck = app.hotkeyManager.customKeys[arr.id]; var hotkeys = ck ? [[getNestedObject(ck, [0, 'modifiers'])], [getNestedObject(ck, [0, 'key'])]] : undefined; return hotkeys ? hilite(hotkeys, hi) : hilite(defkeys, ''); } let cmds = dv.array(Object.entries(app.commands.commands)) .where(v => getHotkey(v[1]) != '–') .sort(v => v[1].id, 'asc') .sort(v => getHotkey(v[1], false), 'asc'); dv.paragraph(cmds.length + " commands with assigned hotkeys; " + "non-default hotkeys <strong>bolded</strong>.<br><br>"); dv.table(["Command ID", "Name in current locale", "Hotkeys"], cmds.map(v => [ v[1].id, v[1].name, getHotkey(v[1]), ]) );
- [Get list of commands sorted by Command ID](https://forum.obsidian.md/t/dataviewjs-snippet-showcase/17847/37):
const getNestedObject = (nestedObj, pathArr) => {
return pathArr.reduce((obj, key) =>
(obj && obj[key] !== 'undefined') ? obj[key] : undefined, nestedObj);
function hilite(keys, how) {
// need to check if existing key combo is overridden by undefining it
if (keys && keys[1][0] !== undefined) {
return how + keys.flat(2).join('+').replace('Mod', 'Ctrl') + how;
} else {
return how + '–' + how;
function getHotkey(arr, highlight=true) {
let hi = highlight ? '**' : '';
let defkeys = arr.hotkeys ? [[getNestedObject(arr.hotkeys, [0, 'modifiers'])],
[getNestedObject(arr.hotkeys, [0, 'key'])]] : undefined;
let ck = app.hotkeyManager.customKeys[arr.id];
var hotkeys = ck ? [[getNestedObject(ck, [0, 'modifiers'])], [getNestedObject(ck, [0, 'key'])]] : undefined;
return hotkeys ? hilite(hotkeys, hi) : hilite(defkeys, '');
let cmds = dv.array(Object.entries(app.commands.commands))
.sort(v => v[1].id, 'asc');
dv.paragraph(cmds.length + " commands currently enabled; " +
"non-default hotkeys <strong>bolded</strong>.<br><br>");
dv.table(["Command ID", "Name in current locale", "Hotkeys"],
cmds.map(v => [
Fetch data from the current file only. Add "Where" data command as below
TABLE WHERE file.path = this.file.path
Comma separate numbers: It uses regex to add a comma after each 3 numbers. However, regex function requires the input argument to be string, so you need to convert the numbers to string.
regexreplace(string(123456), "\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))", ",")
If you have a file that contains bullet points, and each bullet point has the same metadata, it is possible to display each list in a single row using the below trick. However, it is heavy in computation.
TABLE WITHOUT ID L.text as Title, nonnull(L.children["Amazon Link"])[0] AS "Amazon Link", nonnull(L.children.Author)[0] AS Author, nonnull(L.children.Published)[0] AS Published, nonnull(L.children.Rating)[0] AS Rating, nonnull(L.children.Ratings)[0] AS Ratings, nonnull(L.children.Pages)[0] AS Pages WHERE file.path = this.file.path FLATTEN file.lists AS L WHERE nonnull(L.children) SORT L.children.Ratings DESC, L.children.Rating DESC
inline query to check how metadata is structured in your file:
Table of Contents
// Set this to 1 if you want to include level 1 headers, // or set it to 2 if you want to ignore level 1 headers const startAtLevel = 2 const content = await dv.io.load(dv.current().file.path) const toc = content.match(new RegExp(`^#{${startAtLevel},} \\S.*`, 'mg')) .map(heading => { const [_, level, text] = heading.match(/^(#+) (.+)$/) const link = dv.current().file.path + '#' + text return '\t'.repeat(level.length - startAtLevel) + `1. ${text}` }) dv.header(2, 'Table of contents') dv.paragraph(toc.join('\n'))
MOC with some depth up to the headings inside the note
// Retrieve pages with title "path/to/your/notes" let p = dv.pages('"path/to/your/notes"') // Filter out the current page .where(p => p.file.name != dv.current().file.name) //sort pages by creation time .sort(p => p.file.ctime) //for each page .forEach(p => { // Display page name as header dv.header(2, p.file.name); //get metadata cache for the page const cache = this.app.metadataCache.getCache(p.file.path); // If cache exists if (cache) { // Get the headings from the cache const headings = cache.headings; //if headings exist if (headings) { //exclude the first heading const filteredHeadings = headings.slice(1) // Filter headings based on level (up to level 4) .filter(h => h.level <= 4) .map(h => { // Determine indentation based on heading level let indent = " ".repeat(h.level - 1); // let linkyHeading = "[[#" + h.heading + "]]"; //Correct linking code let linkyHeading = "" + h.heading + ""; return indent + "- " + linkyHeading; }) // Join the formatted headings with newlines .join("\n"); // Display the formatted headings as a div dv.el("div", filteredHeadings); } } });
MOC with natural sort and no headers
// Get the folder path of the current file let parentFolderPath = dv.current().file.folder; // The level of the parent folder relative to the vault let parentFolderLevel = parentFolderPath.split("/").length; // Initialize a string that will hold the current file parent folder in a for loop let currentFileParentPath = ""; // An array that holds the file parent folder or folders names excluding the parents folders of this note var folders = []; // An array to hold all resulted texts. var text = []; // Initialize an integer to hold the depth of the current file compared to this note. var depth = 0; // Retrieve all notes under this file parent folder. dv.pages(`"${parentFolderPath}"`) // Filter out the current page .where((p) => p.file.name != dv.current().file.name) //.where(p=> p["dg-publish"]) // Natural sort by files path .sort( (p) => p.file.path, "asc", function (a, b) { return a.localeCompare(b, undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: "base", }); } ) // for each note .forEach((p) => { // Check if the note parent folder path is different from the stored parent folder path if (currentFileParentPath != p.file.folder) { // If different then update the current parent folder path in the variable currentFileParentPath = p.file.folder; // Get the level of the note parent folder compared to the vault let currentFolderLevel = currentFileParentPath.split("/").length; // Get the depth level differences between this note parent folder and the looped note parent folder depth = currentFolderLevel - parentFolderLevel; // Loop over each depth level for (let i = 0; i < depth; i++) { // Get the folder name of the iterated depth level let folderName = p.file.folder.split("/")[i + parentFolderLevel]; // Check if folder name is not already stored in the Folder names if (folderName != folders[i]) { // If not stored, then it means this is the first time to pass by this folder. // So store it in the FolderNames folder by its depth level folders[i] = folderName; // Create an entry for this parent folder as title text.push(" ".repeat(i + 1) + "- **" + folderName + "**"); } } } // If the note parent folder is already stored in the variable. // It means that no need to create an entry for the parent folder. // And now create an entry of the file name as a link let fileNameLink = "[[" + p.file.name + "]]"; let indent = " ".repeat(depth + 1); text.push(indent + "- " + fileNameLink); }); // Join all text entries and render them as a Div dv.el("div", text.join("\n"));
- Dataview plugin snippet showcase - Share & showcase - Obsidian Forum
- DataviewJS Snippet Showcase - Share & showcase - Obsidian Forum
- reddit.com: search results - dataview
- Why is Dataview so great? : r/ObsidianMD
- Dataview Example Vault
- Plugin Tutorials - Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials
- Basic Dataview Query Builder